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Category Archives: MATLAB
Book on Sound Field Synthesis
I proudly announce that some time ago, I submitted the manuscript of a monography on sound field synthesis to Springer who will publish it under the title Analytic Methods of Sound Field Synthesis in spring 2012. You can find the … Continue reading
SOFiA Sound Field Analysis Toolbox
Spherical microphone arrays and sound field decomposition using spherical harmonics is a well established technique for the analysis of sound fields, room acoustics or spatial audio recording applications. The Sound Field Analysis Toolbox (SOFiA) provides a MATLAB toolbox for the … Continue reading
Posted in Anouncements, MATLAB
Tagged room acoustics, SOFiA, sound field analysis, spherical microphone array
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Auditory Modelling Toolbox (AMT) 0.0.3 released
A new version of the Auditory Modelling Toolbox has been released. It includes now the models from Dau and Jepsen with an adaptation loop, modulation filterbank and DRNL. The only thing currently missing for these models is the optimal detector, … Continue reading
Auditory Modelling Toolbox (AMT) 0.2 released
A new version of the growing Auditory Modelling Toolbox has been released. The main new feature is a binaural model after Lindemann (1986a) that uses a running cross-correlation with inhibition to predict the perceived lateralization of an auditory event. The … Continue reading
Matlab like Bash history
In Matlab you can just type the first letters of a used command and press the arrow up key to get it back. In Bash you can do the same, but you have to press page up instead of arrow … Continue reading
Half-wave rectification with Matlab
To simulate the behavior of the auditory nerve, you have to half-wave rectify your input signal. If you have used an if statement in Matlab to do this, the following code is for you: outsig = max( insig, 0 );