A fixed-term (4 years) position for a postdoctoral researcher is available at the Institute of Communications Engineering, Laboratory of Signal Processing and Virtual Acoustics, University of Rostock, Germany. The research is carried out within the framework of project INF ‘Infrastructure Support Project’ of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1270 ‘Electrically Active Implants’ – ELAINE.
The objective is the conception and realization of research data management, e.g. for numerical simulations, imaging techniques or experiments, for the entire collaborative research centre. Herby an explicit focus lies on the support of open and reproducible research. This includes the realization of a virtual research environment for the CRC respectively the University of Rostock. Research in the field of efficient management of research data and the reproduction of scientific results should be carried out. The candidate is furthermore responsible for a training and qualification programme on data management.
The official advertisement including the application procedure is available here. Closing date for applications is 21 June 2017.