Audio Examples for the Paper “Reducing Artifacts of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis”, 129th AES Conv., San Francisco.

This post contains supplementary audio examples for the paper:

Wierstorf, Geier, Spors: Reducing Artifacts of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis, 129th AES Conv., San Francisco.

Please use headphones to appreciate the spatial information!

The provided files are named using the following scheme:

<array length>_<radius>_<angle>_<input sound>.wav

Array lengths are 10 m, 4 m, 1.8 m, 0.75 m, 0.3 m; the radius (= distance from the focused source to the listener position) is 1 m and 4 m, respectively. The focused source is always located one meter in front of and in the middle of the loudspeaker array. The angle is 0, 30 or 60 degrees. The input sound is either castanets or female speech.

The geometry of the experiment is shown in the following figure.

Sketch of the geometry used in the experiment

In addition, there are also 2 reference stimuli, ref_1m_0_speech.wav and ref_1m_0_castanets.wav using plain HRTFs for the frontal direction.

You can download a ZIP-file with the speech examples and a ZIP-file with the castanets examples.

More detailed information can be found in the paper and in the slides.

Errata: The scale of the y-axis in Fig. 4 of the paper is wrong! The value for t (ms) should be -5 and not -0.5.

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One Response to Audio Examples for the Paper “Reducing Artifacts of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis”, 129th AES Conv., San Francisco.

  1. Pingback: Paper: Perception of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis |

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