On AES 137th in Los Angeles we will present the contribution
Schultz, F.; Rettberg, T.; Spors. S. (2014): ”On Spatial-Aliasing-Free Sound Field Reproduction using Finite Length Line Source Arrays.” In: Proc. of the 137th Audio Eng. Soc. Conv., Los Angeles, #9098.
Feel free to download a white paper on the topic and the presentation slides.
Concert sound reinforcement systems aim at the reproduction of homogeneous sound fields over extended audiences for the whole audio bandwidth. For the last two decades this has been mostly approached by using so called line source arrays for which Wavefront Sculpture Technology (WST) was introduced in the literature. This paper utilizes a signal processing model developed for sound field synthesis in order to analyze and expand WST criteria for straight arrays. Starting with the driving function for an infinite and continuous linear array, spatial truncation and discretization are subsequently taken into account. The role of the involved loudspeakers as a spatial lowpass filter is stressed, which can reduce undesired spatial aliasing contributions. The paper aims to give a better insight on how to interpret the synthesized sound fields.